Motion Graphics

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The emergence of visual media in content marketing

In today’s digital landscape, content reigns supreme. To thrive online and capture the attention and engagement required, it is essential to create compelling, informative, and share-worthy content. While some websites may resort to clickbait or unethical practices to attract potential customers, it is quality content that consistently rises above the rest. And when it comes to enhancing the quality of content, nothing adds more value than impactful motion design.

Developing Content for Social Media Platforms

In the 21st century, having a website is a necessity for any company. Maintaining competitiveness in today’s saturated market is extremely challenging without an online presence, which includes being active on various social media platforms. This goes beyond the well-known Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (with Instagram being owned by Facebook, essentially making it part of the “Big Two”). New platforms, like TikTok, emerge frequently, making it difficult to determine where to allocate your time and resources.

Social media has become deeply ingrained in our modern society and is now one of the most effective channels for distributing website blog content. A staggering 94% of marketers utilize social media for content distribution.

However, article-based content is rapidly being overshadowed by video, prompting more brands to create tailored advertisements specifically for their social media channels. As these platforms have varying requirements for posts (such as specific video dimensions or runtime limitations), this style of advertising demands a more targeted approach to content creation. In 2020, an impressive 96% of marketers allocated ad spend towards video advertisements.

Motion Graphics: An Effective Medium

You understand the importance of investing in Content Marketing, and you’re aware that video content outperforms other forms of content. But why should you specifically incorporate Motion Graphics?

If you’re not familiar with the term, Motion Design is a field that shares similarities with Animation, although it’s not entirely the same. Motion Designers utilize various software to animate 2D and 3D graphic designs, enabling them to tell stories, evoke emotional responses, and showcase brands. Motion Graphics find applications in music videos, feature films, video games, applications, and numerous other platforms. In fact, you’ve likely encountered several Motion Graphic designs even while navigating to this page.

Motion Graphics are highly effective when it comes to explaining complex concepts, products, or services while effectively conveying your brand’s message.

As previously mentioned, the market has become increasingly saturated in recent years, requiring companies to employ various tactics to differentiate themselves and capture the dwindling attention of viewers. Motion Graphics, in particular, have proven to be highly effective in this regard.

According to a report by the Content Marketing Institute, nearly three-quarters of marketers consider video production to be a top priority in their content strategy. However, a majority of them fail to create anything truly remarkable. If you watch ads on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, or even Hulu, you’ll notice the same repetitive tactics being used repeatedly, and consumers have become more discerning in recognizing these manipulative methods. So, what sets motion graphics apart and makes them more effective?

Motion Graphics have the ability to make mundane content more easily understandable, engaging, and memorable. Motion Graphics are highly shareable, allowing for wider reach and increased visibility. Motion Graphics play a significant role in creating and enhancing brand awareness.

A notable example of the power of motion graphics is the ad campaign by Melbourne Metro focused on train safety. Instead of investing heavily in posters or using local actors to portray “safety scenes,” they took a different approach by using a motion design animation accompanied by a catchy song, resulting in a more engaging and memorable campaign.

Motion Graphics have emerged as a popular choice among marketers for creating “explainer videos” that effectively communicate concepts. Among the most common types of videos, presentations take the lead at 65%, followed by ads at 57%, and explainers at 47%.

MOTION GRAPHICS FACILITATE EASY SHARING Motion design possesses inherent shareability, enabling organic growth for any marketing campaign. In today’s digital landscape, an entertaining animation has the potential to go viral, prompting retweets and shares across social media platforms.

For instance, when faced with the task of explaining a dry and scientific topic, collaborating with the talented team at Kurzgesagt can result in a captivating motion graphic that begs to be shared.

According to a survey conducted in 2020 involving 500 marketers, an impressive 93% of brands acquired new customers as a result of videos posted on social media. With a significant portion of the world’s population spending ample time online, it has become remarkably convenient to expose your product or brand to potential customers on a daily basis. However, many younger consumers prefer not to navigate through extensive pages of information to understand your offerings and their potential benefits. This is precisely why videos are highly effective. Within a few brief seconds (keeping in mind the earlier mentioned attention span), you can succinctly convey your brand’s identity and the value it can provide to them.

Motion Graphics offer efficiency and cost-effectiveness in marketing campaigns.

The success of any marketing campaign is often measured by its return on investment. When allocating a budget of $10,000 for a new video, it is crucial that the video delivers a solid ROI in terms of sales or brand awareness. Additionally, what if there is a sudden need to modify the content? This could be due to emergency product revisions, changes in availability, or other unforeseen circumstances. Going back to production in such cases can significantly increase costs and decrease the likelihood of recouping expenses.

Motion Designers work with highly modular software programs that allow for easy modifications. Whether it involves adding new audio, swapping images, or incorporating entirely new animations, the process is relatively straightforward. This flexibility enables changes to be made to the video at any time, a capability that is nearly impossible with live-action footage.

The cost of 2D and 3D videos varies depending on complexity and duration. Engaging premier studios like Buck, Ordinary Folk, or Cabeza Patata may require a higher budget to account for the expertise of their trained professionals. Alternatively, freelance artists can be hired, although additional time should be allocated as they often work independently. Regardless of the chosen approach, motion design projects are typically a more cost-effective option compared to traditional film shoots, primarily due to their versatility.

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